Sunday, July 05, 2015

In the beginning: creating creation

We're going off the lectionary for the rest of the summer and I'm preaching on people's favorite bible passages.  It seemed fitting to start off this sermon series with favorite accounts of the start of all things.

The sermon this week follows the genre of the readings, which is poetry.  Genesis 1 and John 1, two of our most well-known biblical accounts of creation are poems.  

The first reading is Genesis 1:1-2:4a.

The holy gospel according to John (1:1-18).

In the beginning was the Word,
       and the Word was with God,
              and the Word was God.
       2The Word was in the beginning with God.
              3All things came into being through the Word,
                     without whom not one thing came into being.
                            What has come into being 4in the Word was life,
                                   and the life was the light of all people.

5The light shines in the darkness,
       and the darkness did not overcome it.

6There was a man sent from God,
       whose name was John.
              7This one came as a witness to testify to the light,
                     so that all might believe through him.
                     8John himself was not the light,
                            but he came to testify to the light.
                                   9The true light,
                                          which enlightens everyone,
                                                 was coming into the world.

10The light was in the world,
       and the world came into being through the light;
              yet the world did not know the light.
              11The light came to its own,
                     and its own people did not accept the light.
                     12But to all who received it,
                            who believed in its name,
                                   the light gave power to become children of God,
                                          13who were born,
                                                 not of blood
                                                 or of the will of the flesh
                                                 or of the will of a man,
                                                        but of God.

14And the Word became flesh and lived among us,
       and we have seen its glory,
              the glory as of a parent’s only child,
                     full of grace and truth.

15(John testified to it and cried out,
       “This was the one of whom I said,
              ‘The one who comes after me
                     ranks ahead of me
                            because that one was before me.’”)
       16From the one’s fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.
              17The law indeed was given through Moses;
                     grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
18No one has ever seen God.
       It is God the only Son,
              who is close to the Father’s heart,
                     who has made God known.

The gospel of the Lord.


In the beginning when all was yet to be discovered.
In the beginning when what is was not.
In the beginning when the Word and the wind blew through all that was to come.

Before me.
Before you. 
Before all that is and was and is to come. 
Before life and love.

The Source—full of grace and truth.
God began
              the cosmos into existence.

The formless forming
            into land, water, colors, shapes.
The darkness and the light finding their place
       called into existence by the Word—
                            Day, Night, Sky, Earth, Seas


The Light of the World before all of creation
              illuminating the gifts, the creativity of the Creator.

The power of God—the Source of all life,
claiming us and calling us beloved. 
Children of God,
       made in the divine image,
              according to God’s likeness. 
Each unique.
Each loved.
Each powerful beyond measure.


Together good.
Together blessed.

And there was evening and there was morning. 
The days in their turn. 
Evening into morning. 
Morning into evening. 
Day into day into day until—


Rest and holy.
Grace upon grace.
Rest upon rest.

Work into work into work until—

Breathe into me,
Breathe into you,
              the breath of Life.
And it is so.

God creates,
              comes to creation,
              comes to earth,
              comes to me and you.

The Word the Wind here among us.
The Word of Wisdom that speaks the cosmos into being
              and it is so.

The Wind that blew over the waters,
that blew life into existence,
that blew through the locked room with tongues of fire,
              sharing the news—
                            the Good News—
              stirring up the waters of baptism,
              pouring out on us. 
              And we pour out on others—
                            into the world,
                            born as we are,
                                          of God.

And God created.
And God saw.
God saw
God saw that it was good.
God saw everything.
Everything God saw.

And God saw everything that had been made. 
Everything that God had made, and indeed.
It was very good.

And there was evening
and there was morning.
And the Word continued the work. 

Creation moving and breathing
       losing self and health. 
       Losing sight of God,
                            of love. 
       Losing the Light of the world,
                            the spark in the darkness,
                            the color in the dull gray of pain and sorrow.

“The true light, which enlightens everyone” was coming,
              coming into the world. 
              Back into creation. 
The light—the Word. 
       Into the brokenness. 
       Into the chaos of the cosmos. 
       Into the challenge of people gone astray.
       Into sin and sorrow.
       Into pain and privilege.
       Into oppression and anger.

The Word comes.
The Word incarnate. 
The Word enfleshed in a baby. 
From the wood of the manger to the wood of the cross. 
The Word—Jesus the Christ,
              crucified among us. 

For all—
       ALL of Creation. 

And God saw them.
       And God blessed them.
       And indeed it was very good.


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