Thursday, April 11, 2013

what we're up to in worship at immanuel

here we are on the other side of lent and holy week and what a time it has been!  we have walked with the dust of jesus on our foreheads.  we have journeyed through some of our most foundational stories of faith in the old testament, discerning what god provides and how we respond.  we have journeyed from cries of “hosanna!” through cries of “crucify him!”  we have waited and we have come together in the early dawn to the empty tomb with the women to find that “he is not here, but has risen.”

so we are here on the other side of easter, dusting off the dust of the tomb and looking up to find jesus resurrected and walking among us.  in the coming month the confirmation class will gather for a retreat.  we will explore the three days together and break bread as a group.

as we approached easter and as i recently went through my mid-year evaluations, i couldn’t help but look back on the past six months in preparation for the six to come.  as i have walked with immanuel and worshipped with immanuel, i have learned so much already.  this congregation has been a learning ground not only for worship leadership, but also for pastoral care and relationships. 

this congregation is committed to each other and to the greater metro-kansas city community.  their faith is evident in prayers and concern for those around them, in service with metro lutheran ministries, in worship, and in the way they live out their faith and their baptismal call in their lives.  

they are evidence for me of christ’s resurrection.  even in the midst of pain, sorrow, and death, they are life as they shine christ’s light and i am grateful to be surrounded by this cloud of witnesses for this year.

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