Sunday, September 11, 2011


as a middler (a person in her second year of seminary working towards my m div), i have been assigned a ministry-in-context (mic) site.  it's basically a teaching parish to help me get used to church life from a church leadership perspective.  i began last sunday and today was our rally day (the kickoff for sunday school and the school year worship schedule, etc.).  yesterday when i was meeting people to set up for rally day, i found out that that morning one of the matriarchs of the church, n, had died unexpectedly.  she had been away last sunday, so i hadn't yet met her, but it was clear from the conversations that have happened since receiving the news that she was very involved in the church and that everyone at the church cared deeply for her.

today was a bizarre day.  we began the day with rally day arts and crafts activities, singing in the community garden (we grabbed hands, bumped rumps, and sang the love round - bringing back very fond memories of both sunday school and rainbow trail).  we paraded around the block and took a picture on the church steps.  this was all a very lively and joy-filled way to begin our sunday.

once we got into the building and found our seats, the mood changed quite noticeably.  in the announcements the pastor mentioned n's death as well as the anniversary of the september 11th attacks.  the sermon spoke of a god who sees us in all our grief and anger and hurt and who knows us, pulling from the exodus story.  the pastor spoke of n's love and commitment to the church and the pain of her death as well as to the pain of september 11, 2001.  together, as a community, we grieved.  tears cascaded down people's cheeks as the choir sang "amazing grace."  it was the saddest, most powerful "amazing grace" i have ever heard.  during the sharing of the peace, it was clear that this community, hugging and crying together, was a safe place to be real.  we gathered and we felt.  we were honest with each other and we were present.

although i never knew n, i am honored to be connected to her through my church and this sunday that they shared with me.

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